John Penny

On page 60 of "52-Years in Florida", John Penny was listed in the "class of the second year" among those at the First Florida Conference in 1845. On page 84, in speaking of the sixteenth Conference held in Micanopy in 1859, John Penny was listed among those who were "superannuated".

On page 114, in speaking of the fortieth session held in Madison in 1884, John Penny was listed as one who had died. It went on to say:
John Penny was a Scotchman. He was impulsive and often expressed his feelings roughly, yet had a kind heart, and was always ready to forgive and ask forgiveness whenever there was occasion. He was one of our original members, and did much hard frontier work in the early years of our Conference. But in his young manhood he was attacked with throat trouble, and was compelled to spend the remainder of his years upon the superannuated list.

From "52-Years in Florida" by John Ley
In Bethel's history John C. Penny was listed with John Carter as pastors in 1843.
The 2021 "Roll of the Honored Dead" has his date of death as 1/19/1883 in Jacksonville.